Are you looking for trekking near Mumbai? We have the best treks near Mumbai for you; that is easy but offer beautiful waterfalls, incredible trails, and stunning views. We have the best trekking near Mumbai, perfect for beginners and experienced alike.
Mumbai is often called the city of dreams. It's also a city of bridges and waterfalls. You see them everywhere, but you can only see waterfalls in Mumbai during the monsoon. The best time to make a trek near Mumbai is during the monsoon when the weather's just right, and the views are amazing.
It's raining, it's pouring, and you feel like you might want to go on a trek? Don't. Trekking near Mumbai may sound great, but it can be pretty treacherous. You will find more than 100 waterfalls during the rainy season, making touring more difficult. Trekking near Mumbai is a great idea but only after the rainy season if the weather is clear.
Get a taste of the Sahyadris this weekend by trekking from Mumbai. Trekking near Mumbai is a great way to get your adrenaline pumping while taking in breathtaking views and experiencing the diversity of nature. You can explore routes close to Mumbai or venture further into the mountains.
It can be a lot of fun to go trekking and camping. It's a great way to learn more about yourself while being close to nature. There are cheerful campfires and hikes in the fresh, clean air. There is a lot to consider when you want to go trekking and camping, and this article will help you go over some of those things.
Keep an eye on the weather. Rain or other conditions may impact your travel time and your experience at the campsite. Make sure that you have gear appropriate for the weather conditions you may face. Adjust your departure time as necessary to try and avoid the bulk of the bad weather, if possible.
If you are using a tent for camping, put a great deal of thought into buying your tent. Consider the climate. Consider your price range. How often will you be using this tent? You don't want to buy a tent that won't be able to stand up to the elements. At the same time, you don't need to pay a fortune for a tent you plan only to use once.
At night, create "dog bags." Tie a rope around the bags with your food and your trash. Then, find a tree and toss bags over a branch until they are at least seven or eight feet off the ground. Tie the rope around the tree, so it is secure. This way, dogs and other animals cannot get into your food and trash at night.
During a camping and hiking trip, try to go swimming at some point. When camping, it's straightforward to miss your shower at home. The coolness of the water when you swim will help you feel clean and refreshed, so you may not miss your home shower as much.
The lint from the dryer is great to help start campfires. Before you go camping, start saving lint from the dryer's filter. You can stuff it all into a plastic grocery bag near the dryer. Using this for your kindling will save you time looking for it, and it will work even better than any kindling you find.
Let people know where your group is headed. Just in case anything happens to any of you, you want to know that there are people who know where you are. This is an excellent precautionary measure to take if something happens to your camping group because help will be on the way soon.
Take along a box with essential supplies when you go camping. Include stick matches, a flashlight, cooking tools, and a hand cleaner. Prepare in advance. Think about all the things you might need days before you leave on your trip, especially if you will be far from any store.
When camping, periodically do a tick check. Look for any brown or black spots that have just appeared on your skin. Ticks attach themselves to the skin without causing too much of a disturbance, so be sure to check yourself and your companions for ticks after spending time camping outdoors.
Even if you're not going a long distance away on your camping trip, or even if you're going into familiar territory, always stay in touch with friends, family, or neighbors. Tell someone about your trip and how long you'll be gone. And if you can, check-in regularly using a mobile phone.
Water is critical for your survival when hiking in the backcountry. Carry water purification tablets with you or some water filter capable of filtering out bacteria. There are many different kinds available at your local sporting goods store. When looking for a water source, ensure the water is flowing; stagnant water can kill you if not treated properly.
Make sure that you avoid any nasty plants. An excellent way to do this is to stop at the ranger station and ask what kinds of poisonous plants are in the area to identify them if you come into contact with them on the trail. Never eat anything while hiking on the course if you do not know it is edible.
When camping, remember to have a few activities in mind other than just... "camping." The camping experience is enriched by hiking, swimming, exploring, and other things. Be sure to engage in some of these other activities to have the entire camping experience you've ever had.
Before heading out on your long-awaited camping trip, ensure the area where you plan to camp doesn't require a camping permit. If you happened to camp in a place requiring one and didn't get one, you could be facing a hefty ticket or fine from a local forest ranger.
Introduce yourselves to other families camping in your immediate area to be social and more apt to help each other out. If another crew arrives after you've set up, offer to help with their tent or equipment. If something goes awry during the trip for anyone, it's much easier to ask for help from someone courteous enough to introduce themselves.
Don't forget to pack the sunscreen when planning for your camping trip. Just because you are not on the beach doesn't mean that you don't need protection from the sun's burning rays. A sport sunscreen can be a wise choice if you will be doing strenuous physical activities during your trip.
Pack things like oranges when you go camping. They are nutritious, and they also keep mosquitoes away. Use the discarded peels to rub your exposed skin, and the insects will stay away from you.
Getting the most out of your camping experience should be easier now that you have these great ideas. Apply these tips on your next adventure camping. Good information will help you plan and have a great experience when you are camping.