
Velas Homestay is a popular homestay located in the village of Velas, near Harihareshwar in Maharashtra, India. The homestay offers a unique opportunity to experience rural life and hospitality in a peaceful setting.

The Velas beach homestay is surrounded by lush greenery near the beautiful Velas Beach. Guests can enjoy walks along the beach, bird watching, and visiting nearby attractions such as the Velas Turtle Festival, where Olive Ridley turtles come to lay their eggs on the beach.

The accommodation at the Velas turtle festival homestay consists of clean and comfortable rooms with basic amenities such as attached bathrooms, hot water, and mosquito nets. The homestay also provides delicious home-cooked meals using locally sourced ingredients.

One of the unique aspects of Velas Homestay is the opportunity to interact with the locals and learn about their culture and way of life. Guests can participate in cooking classes and farming, among others.

Overall, Velas Homestay offers a peaceful and authentic rural experience away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is an ideal destination for those seeking a relaxing and culturally immersive getaway.

1 Night 1 Day Available on request
What we'll give/What we won't

What is included in the tour

  • Meals ( One Breakfast - One Lunch - One Dinner ) 
  • Veg or Non Veg 
  • Room ( 3 person | 5 Person | 7 person ) 

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Velas Turtle Festival 2025 entry fees 
  • Anything not mentioned in cost includes 
Frequently Asked Questions

Information on the Velas Turtle Festival 2025

The village of Velas in the Indian state of Maharashtra's Ratnagiri district hosts the Velas Turtle Festival. The event is held during the Olive Ridley sea turtles' breeding season, normally from January to May.

The celebration is planned to increase public awareness of the value of protecting and conserving these threatened turtles. Visitors can participate in beach clean-ups, watch hatchlings being released into the ocean, and attend seminars and workshops on sea turtle conservation during the festival.

Along with participating in turtle conservation efforts, tourists can explore the nearby village, meet the residents, and sample the food.

The most recent details on dates, locations, and events for the Velas Turtle Festival in 2025 may be found by visiting the festival's official website or social media accounts. To protect the safety and welfare of the turtles and the guests, it's also critical to adhere to the rules and directions supplied by the organizers.


Velas Turtle Festival 2025 Information in Marathi 

वेलास टर्टल फेस्टिव्हल 2025 वरील माहिती
महाराष्ट्राच्या रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातील भारतीय राज्यातील वेलास गाव वेलास टर्टल फेस्टिव्हलचे आयोजन करते. ऑलिव्ह रिडले सी टर्टलच्या प्रजनन हंगामात हा कार्यक्रम साधारणपणे जानेवारी ते मे दरम्यान आयोजित केला जातो.

या धोक्यात आलेल्या कासवांचे संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन करण्याच्या मूल्याबद्दल जनजागृती करण्यासाठी या उत्सवाचे नियोजन आहे. अभ्यागत बीच क्लीन-अपमध्ये भाग घेऊ शकतात, महासागरात सोडल्या जाणार्‍या हॅचिंग्ज पाहू शकतात आणि उत्सवाच्या वेळी समुद्री कासव संवर्धनावरील सेमिनार आणि कार्यशाळांमध्ये उपस्थित राहू शकतात.

टर्टल संवर्धनाच्या प्रयत्नांमध्ये भाग घेण्याबरोबरच पर्यटक जवळपासचे गाव शोधू शकतात, रहिवाशांना भेटू शकतात आणि अन्नाचे नमुने घेऊ शकतात.

२०२5 मध्ये वेलस टर्टल फेस्टिव्हलच्या तारखा, स्थाने आणि कार्यक्रमांवरील सर्वात अलीकडील तपशील महोत्सवाच्या अधिकृत वेबसाइट किंवा सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट्सला भेट देऊन आढळू शकतात. कासव आणि पाहुण्यांच्या सुरक्षिततेचे आणि कल्याणाचे संरक्षण करण्यासाठी, आयोजकांनी पुरविलेल्या नियमांचे आणि दिशानिर्देशांचे पालन करणे देखील गंभीर आहे.


About Olive Ridley sea turtles and conservation projects

The Olive Ridley sea turtle is a species found in warm waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. These turtles are named after their olive-colored carapace or upper shell. They are classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with their population decreasing over the years due to habitat loss, fishing nets, and poaching.

Conservation projects are being carried out in many parts of the world to protect the Olive Ridley sea turtle. One such project is the Velas Turtle Festival, which takes place in Maharashtra, India. The festival aims to raise awareness about the importance of the conservation and protection of these turtles.

The Indian government has also launched various conservation projects, such as the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project and the Marine Turtle Conservation Project. These projects aim to protect sea turtle habitats, control poaching and illegal trade of turtle eggs, and promote community-based conservation initiatives.

In addition, non-governmental organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Sea Turtle Conservancy, and the Marine Conservation Society are also working towards sea turtle conservation. These organizations conduct research, raise awareness, and advocate for protecting sea turtles and their habitats.

Conservation efforts are crucial in protecting the Olive Ridley sea turtle, which is a vital species in the marine ecosystem. By protecting sea turtle habitats and reducing threats to their survival, we can ensure the continued existence of these magnificent creatures for generations to come.


How to find the Velas homestay contact number? 

Please fill out the whatsapp form. Our team will contact you with a quote. Velas beach stays are mostly sold out for the season on weekends. Kindly book in advance to avoid last-minute disappointments.


Homestay in Velas, do you have attached toilets? 

Yes, Velas beach homestay has western toilets attached.   


Do you get a mobile network in the Velas homestay? 

Yes, Jio has good network coverage in the Velas eco-village. Please note other operators have no reception in the village. Our homestay has wifi connection though speeds are limited.  


How far is the beach from the Velas beach homestay? 

Velas beach is around 1.5 kilometers from the homestay. You will need to walk atleast 1 kilometer from the parking to reach the beach. Turtles are released early, more after sunrise and before sunset, so reach atleast 30 minutes before the beach. 


Does the Velas homestay have hot water? 

Hot water is available in the morning. 


Does the Velas homestay have AC rooms? 

Some AC rooms are available; no power backup AC working depends on local electricity. AC rooms are chargeable at extra cost. 


Is parking available at Velas Beach Stay? 

Yes, parking is available for vehicles at the homestay.